My FIRST Bloggers' Meet ^ ^
Bloggers Meet Venue: IBEST DAY: Wednesday (June 24, 2015) Bloggers of Bhutan :) Pic Courtesy - Rima Reyka My first one, thrilled but equally nervous, I accepted the request of an excellent blogger friend, Riku to attend the meet on face book. If not for anything, I thought I would get to drink with people with at least one common interest of reading and writing. :P On a serious note, I couldn't afford to miss it at all, it was an opportunity to meet amazing people whom I will categorize into three here: 1. Great people whose writings I have been following; 2. People like me who just write when time permits/emotions flow; 3. young aspiring bloggers who would like to take up blogging seriously. No matter how hard I tried, even after giving myself some confidence pills, I really couldn't think of facing the crowd alone, so I dragged my sister along, agreeing with her blackmailing of, "you will have to listen to whatever I say from...